Some Useful Resources & Links
- Chemical Engineering Department
- Wikepedia – a tremendous online source of information on virtually any topic (including many science and engineering topics)
- I am beginning a local wiki page that will have tutorials on MATLAB as well as some numerical analysis topics. Follow this link to explore that wiki.
- A MATLAB tutorial from the MathWorks
- An Excel tutorial
Administrative Information:
- Instructor: James C. Sutherland, Professor of Chemical Engineering
- Office location:
- College of engineering guidelines: withdrawal policies, ADA policies, etc.
Course Objectives:
- Teach students MATLAB and Excel as tools to solve problems.
- Encourage development of critical thinking and problem solving skills.
- Provide a broad introduction to the chemical engineering discipline.
Teaching Philosophy:
I assume that you are here to learn. I will do my best to help you achieve that goal. However, learning is primarily your responsibility. You should come to class prepared to participate in the lecture and ask questions. I am happy to meet with you outside of class to discuss questions you have. I also try to respond to email in a timely manner when possible.
- Homework is designed to provide you with the opportunity to solidify concepts discussed in class. Engineers are confronted with problems that require assimilation of a range of concepts to achieve a solution. For this reason, homework problems are designed to force you to apply the concepts discussed in class – not just repeat examples.
- Homework assignments will be posted on the course web site. Homework is due by the beginning of class on the date indicated on the schedule. Homework assignments must be submitted electronically. See the homework page for the link to upload your assignments. Solutions will be posted after the due date.
- I strongly encourage you to work together on homework assignments. Discuss the problem and your solution approaches with each other. However, you must submit your own work. Copying others? work is plagiarism and will not be tolerated. Consequences of cheating and plagiarism include failure in this class and possible dismissal from the university.
Grading policy (tentative)
- 20% Homework
- 25% Midterm exam 1
- 25% Midterm exam 2
- 30% Final exam
Grades will be assigned on the following scale:
- 93-100: A 90-93: A-
- 87-90: B+ 83-87: B 80-83: B-
- 77-80: C+ 73-77: C 70-73: C-
- 67-70: D+ 63-67: D 60-63: D-
I reserve the right to adjust this scale downward if I deem it necessary.