6703 Homework

Submitting Homework

Submit homework assignments via gradescope

By submitting homework, you certify that your solution represents your own work. Submitting others’ work constitutes cheating and will result in automatic failure of this class.

Graded homework will be available via gradescope as well.

Homework Guidelines

  • Each problem should be solved in a separate Jupyter notebook.
  • Submit both the Jupyter notebook (.ipynb) and a PDF copy of the notebook.
    • Ensure that your notebook runs properly before submitting it. Do:
      Kernel -> Restart & Run All
      to ensure that there are no errors.
    • Include any supplemental files needed to run your notebook in your submission (images, data files that are loaded by your notebook, images loaded, etc.)
    • To generate a PDF of your notebook:
      File -> Print Preview followed by printing to a PDF from your browser.
      File -> Download as -> PDF via LaTeX.
  • If this doesn’t look correct, try first exporting as an HTML file and then converting that to PDF (load it in a web browser and print it to PDF).
  • Submit the .ipynb notebook and the .pdf version of it!
  • If your PDF version is not generated properly, you may lose credit, so please ensure that it captures the notebook properly.
  • Submit via gradescope. You should receive a confirmation email after submitting.

Submissions that are missing any of these pieces may receive no credit.

  • Please do not use extensions or python packages that are not standard since that may prevent your notebook from functioning properly when I grade it.
  • Homework will be evaluated based on two primary criteria:
    • Whether the problem was completed properly/correctly.
    • How well the writeup explains the problem and results. Solutions without adequate discussion/explanation will not receive credit.

Getting started with Python & Jupyter

Also see the syllabus for more links to python tutorials

Homework Assignments

  1. Homework 1 due Saturday, September 10 at 6:00 PM. For problem 3, you may want to use LagrangePolynomials.py, which will save you a lot of time.
  2. Homework 2 due Wednesday, September 21 at 1:20 PM.
  3. Homework 3 due Saturday, October 1 at 6:00 PM. Here’s a template notebook for problem 1 that may be helpful to you.
  4. Homework 4 due Wednesday, October 19 at 1:20 PM.
  5. Homework 5 due Wednesday, October 26 at 1:20 PM.
  6. Homework 6 due Monday, October 31 at 1:20 PM.
  7. Homework 7 due Friday, November 11 at midnight. Here’s a template notebook for problem 3.
  8. Homework 8 due Friday, December 2 at 6:00 PM

Term project

The purpose of the term project is to explore a topic of your choosing in more depth.  The project can be educational in nature (e.g., creating materials to explain concepts, etc.) or exploratory (e.g., testing a hypothesis, etc.).

Evaluation criteria

There are two portions of the project: the written report (in a Jupyter notebook) as well as a presentation. 

The oral presentation and written report will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  1. Are the project goals clearly outlined?  These should be stated as questions or hypotheses.
  2. Are the equations governing the system clearly defined?
  3. What techniques are being used to solve the problem?  Are they appropriate?  Have you characterized numerical errors adequately?
  4. Are the results presented clearly?  Do they adequately answer the questions/hypotheses posed?


Term project presentations will be held on the last day of class. The presentation will be worth 30% of the project grade. Presentations will be 15 minutes long including a few minutes for Q&A. 

Written Report

The written report is worth 70% of the project grade.

Written reports are due via email by the end of the day on December 16th.  Please include all files required to run your Jupyter notebook and submit your report as a zip file containing all of these files.